Write for Us

Do you have an interest in technology or Artificial intelligence? Do you have a burning message or an innovative concept you would like to pass on to a broader society? Being an open doorway to a wide variety of subjects at Ch Abdul Mateen, we are always on the lookout for new participants and contributors.

What We’re Looking For

We welcome original articles, thought pieces, and in-depth tutorials that fall within the following categories:

  • Technology: Innovations, trends, reviews, and: how-to guide?
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI): Advancements in artificial intelligence, machine learning, ethical issues, and use cases from different sectors.

Submission Guidelines

  • Original Content: All submissions must be unpublished and original work. We appreciate the accuracy that comes with honesty and reportage.
  • Word Count: Articles should not exceed 2000 words long; however, this varies based on the type of the article and the discussion held.
  • Tone: They are persons interested in technology and technology workers at the same time. It is important to keep the language professional and polite but ensure the readers stay interested in the article.
  • Formatting: Utilise proper structure such as division of headings and subheadings and also proper use of bullets whenever required. Your article should be well organized and the overall layout should be neat and clear to the eye.
  • Images: This means that clear and detailed images or graphics are welcomed provided they are original or properly sourced from a copyright holder.

How to Submit

If you are interested in writing for it, please send your article, an outline of what you wish to write, or any comments to infochabdulmateen@gmail.com.  Conclude with a brief bio that indicates your previous work experience and any links to your previous work/ portfolio.

What to Expect

After you submit your article, our editorial team will review it for its suitability, uniqueness, and quality. If your piece is selected, you will receive a notification from us within one week. We might offer suggestions or ask for some changes before sharing it with the public.

Why Write for Us?

When writing for Ch Abdul Mateen you can provide your insights to the burgeoning audience interested in technology and AI. It will be your work posted on a platform that aims and values quality and deep-thinking content, providing you visibility and a shot at making an impact in the technology industry.

We are excited to see your contributions and to collaborate in the enhancement of conversations in technology and artificial intelligence.